Pretty Colors!

So, I think I alreay mentioned I’m now being suckered into coughing up the cash for double hearing aids within the next six months? Yes, no, maybe so?

Anyways, found out the coolest thing!

I went to the specialist lady at the clinic place where I GOT TO PRACTICE RIVING WITH MY NEW PERMIT an I found out that..drumroll……hearing aids can actually come in different colors for the type I’m getting!

Okay, perhaps that info is not quite as interesting to everyone else as it was for me. But I find it thrilling. I sent picture to every contact on my phone, and the tallies as follows (I needed input as I’m that slightly colorblind as aforementioned)…..

Teal-ish: 3 and a half
Pink: 2, but I don’t like it
Green camo: 4

I still have time

Hearing Loss- WHAT?!?!?!?!

Hearing loss

It is official- I, as of 11/23/2013, have lost 60% of the hearing in my right ear……….and only 10 in my left. I’m sorry, that sh*t is messed up. I mean, I do everything I’m supposed to- I don’t listen to loud music (common teenager thing), I wear earplugs at concerts and the races (unheard of, right? LOL), and I don’t go getting concussions like everyone says not to do. I’m doing everything right, why is this HAPPENING????? My ENT is telling me I HAVE to go get that stupid hearing aid, which my insurance won’t pay for, and I can’t afford that sh*t! Life is expensive! And it’s all the stupid chemo’s fault! This is absolutely non-cancer at all! Nowhere near where hearing is controlled! Blah!

This ain’t right.


Hey! Y’all know me, love me, thinking about being me for Halloween……my very good friend Daphne Blader, a social worker for CBTF, the Child Brain Tumor Foundation, is trying to put together a ‘study group’ of sorts for the doctors kinda studying us leftover radiated chilluns…….

Well, actually- cutting out the bullshit- she wants to set up a chatroom of sorts for ‘professionals and administration’ AKA our friends at Children’s National to study all our different side effects in cognito. Because really, they’re grasping at straws. This is just a sideways way of putting it. After all these years, docs sometimes fuck up. Honestly, to me it sounds like a little bit of a guinea pig routine. But I think Daphne understood the risks when she asked me to put this up here.

Just repost. Tell your friends. Like the CBTF page on Facebook. There is a live podacast on iTunes called Stupid Cancer every Monday night at 8, and my very good friend Catherine holds a live Twitter group/blog/thingy.

Now I’m just a tad concerned we’re being watched by meth heads trying to make heroin out of leftover chemotherapy drugs 😀