Girl Explains Why She’s Not A Feminist

This vid has some cereal mixed reviews, but there is a central message that I think a lot of people are missing because we can be so blindly feminist, that we don’t even consider supporting everyone instead of tearing the other ‘guys’ down. There is something to be said for humanity, y’all.

J: Finally, A Good Dystopian Novel

I have this book and plan to read it soon. Now that I’ve read multiple good reviews, I’m a lot more comfortable about getting into another dystopian society novel.

Book Guy Reviews

The state of dystopian fiction for me is at an all time low. Between The Hunger Games, The Divergent Series and the smattering of young-adult in-betweeners that seem to pop up daily, the genre is becoming increasingly devoid of any serious artistic intent. It’s bloated and the fad is getting tiresome.

What was once a genre that beckoned social critique and intrigue has turned into an over-commercialized ego-centric category geared to the Lexile level of an 8th grader. I don’t want to start a war, I just want to see adults reading books written for adults, rather than the candy-coated sweet-tarts we’ve come to refer to as “young-adult” or now this new thing: “new-adult.”

At what point do we become adults anyway? 

J: A Novel is a different beast entirely. It harkens back to the times of Huxley and Orwell when dystopian fiction was not focused on the vainglorious pursuits…

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